These are a personal project in advance of the Battlegroup weekend on May 12-13th. My Britsh army hasn't any 1944 equipment. So I am painting a battlegroup of the Irish Guards for the weekend. I have two in mind. First part of the project is two Sherman Vc Firefly these started out as Armourfast kits. I have removed the sand shields that the kit (curiously) comes with added some stowage - more to follow and begun to paint them for the Irish Guards. They have the names Ballymoney and Ards (not authentic names but following the common practice of Irish units in the British army. One "Ballymoney" has the barrel "camouflaged" with blue paint. "Ards" doesn't. They are now painted up clean and will receive lots of extra weathering. and decals for 2nd Battalion.
Tanks of 46 (Liverpool Welsh) RTR History “On the V Corps of 8th Army front was paused on the Trigno river, British 78th Infantry Division attacked along the coastal road while 8th Indian Infantry Division attacked some 10 mi (16 km) inland. Fighting was fierce, but on 3 November, British 78th Division reached San Salvo, some three miles beyond the Trigno, at which point Generalmajor Rudolf Sieckenius—commanding 16th Panzer Division—decided to make a fighting withdrawal to the Sangro river and the formidable Gustav defensive positions overlooking the river from the ridge tops on the far side. The plan was that the Skins were to capture San Salvo and the ridge on the left, while the Buffs were to capture the ridge to the right of the town. The first part of the attack was to take place just before first light, and from first light onwards the two Infantry Battalions were to have the assistance of a Regiment of Tanks. The Buffs had a pretty clear run through on the ...
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