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On the workbench - A paint job too far 5 - Sherman tanks of Irish Guards

Sherman tanks of the 2nd battalion the Irish Guards. The cutting edge of the Irish |Guards battlegroup I am painting up for the Ironfist Market Garden Campaign weekend. I will be using Sherman V  (M4A4) tanks as the Irish Guards where exclusively equiped with this model. I only expect to use one of these Firefly Vc But painted up both for use in late war scenarios when more Firefly's are available. The Battlegroup Market Garden list use the Overlord supplement for Armoured Divisions so only one is allowed per section. These are both the Armourfast Firfly model with addition scratch made camouflage (using medical gauze). The rolled camo nets and external stowage is mostly scratch built using PVA soaked tissue for tarps and cotton again soaked in PVA for the ropes. Some of the 17lber ammo crates and other stowage items from EWM.

The bail out packs are visisble on "Banshee" a 75mm armed Mk V hanging from the turret. Again scrimmage camo added form medical guaze dyed with acrylic and PVA. With stowage from the EWM British Sherman stowage set - excellent value. The turret commander is also from EWM.

A close up of the 2 75mm tanks from the Squadron "Banshee" and "Buncrana". The names come in useful in tracking ammo. "Buncrana" has the S&S models "Shaggy Tank" conversion kit applied to the Hull and turret modelling the Hessian strips used for camouflage again the turret commander is from EWM as is the external stowage. I removed the sand skirts from these Armourfast models added decals from PSC and unit markings for 2nd Battalion Irish Guards B squadron.
The allied air recognition star is visible on "Buncrana's"  rear deck. A look at some photos suggested that the use on turrets or hulls was rare at this stage in the campaign.
A close up on Buncrana. Tne detail on the S&S kits is excellent. I also applied the rear idler and exhaust aftermarket kit to these tanks to correct the "floating wheel" problem with the Armourfast kit.

A close up of Banshee. Spare wheels from EWM. The air recognition star is just visible peeking from beneath the stowage which was removed before combat if there was time. I like the 50 cal in locked position you get with this kit. If I have time I may give the Fireflys the same treatment.


  1. I'm looking at your photographs of the Firely tanks especially 'Buncrana ' I'm currently modelling this tank in 1/16 scale but can find no information about this other than its name, I was looking for its number and crew names.. . Help needed.
    I should add that I'm a member of Portsmouth Model Boat Display team (Armoured Division)


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