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End of Move 1 in Turn 1 Morning of July 16th |
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Stoyanka State Farm Move 1 Morning 16th July Counters within three hexes can move into the battle as reserves. Guns with 15 hexes can be used as additional artillery support |
Germans advance guard from Kampfgruppe Raus of 6th Panzer division have deployed around the bridge over the Luga river and the village of Ivanskoya. The Soviets advance from the east and west. The Germans counter move with infantry and armour in spoiling attacks. Our first battle will be on the Western approach 400 points of Soviets and 400 points of Germans both with additional artillery support allowed due to the range to off table
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German infantry advance under fire from infantry guns |
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Schutzen platoon HQ and artillery forward observers |
The first full battle from the campaigns after the first moves will be an attack counter attack the German bridgehead from the West. The Russians advanced onto the board first bringing anti- tank guns and infantry guns with horse drawn limbers to take up position around the Stoyanka State Farm they had closed their artillery into the woods to the north and will be able to fire from off table (additional fire support may be chosen- a lot of counter battery fire!). Two long 45mm antitank guns, one on each
flank of the position an 76.2mm infantry gun lots of loader teams would make these key guns hard to shift.
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Infantry gun and Soviet HQ at the centre of the Soviet position |
The German counter attackers advanced from the east initially using the road with a Stug III supported by two infantry squads and a heavy machine gun advancing in the thick woodland on either side of the road this would begin a duel with the Soviet anti tank called at the far end of this road which would last for most of the battle. Early on the Germans got lots of reinforcements the "panzer marsch" really help there. Out in the fields another German section and the HQ took up position whilst a forward observers in a medium truck tried to move forwards but they can quickly under fire from an infantry gun in the farm it's made life difficult as there wasn't much cover.
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StuG III leads the German infantry in the advance down the road |
Russians had two infantry platoons one of which took up positions in the farms buildings they had one section in a lorry the restaurant thought meanwhile a girls Jeep with HQ came forward and took up position in the barn the Soviet 76.2mm infantry guard fired out into the fields supported by Maxim machineguns from the farm buildings. The attacking Germans faced the 45 millimetre AT gun on the road continued to tangle. On the road the gun exchanging fire with the Stug III the gun lost this duel early point became pinned indicated by the smoke. Soviet infantry advanced through the farm and through the woodlands to the North. Meanwhile in the animal pen covering the fields they would soon be busy!
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Russian artillery and anti tank guns take there toll on Pz 35 t |
As turn three began the German attack got underway in earnest. A timed artillery with devastating effect what text advanced across the fields towards the farm. The StuG III continued its advance along the road exchanging fire with a 45mm anti tank gun. The dead cows and tractor parts indicate objectives claimed by the Russians as they occupied the farm. The 37mm guns of Pz.35 t's begin their deadly duel with the Soviet anti tank guns. The German squads MG34 brings the gun under fire but the cover of the farm and fencing and the loader team made it hard to take out the crew and allowed it several extra shots which it made count against the advancing German infantry pinning them. The gun pins the platoon headquarters the infantry out in the fields preventing them from calling on the mortars that could support the attack.
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Tanks and infantry advance across the fields |
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German artillary pounds the farm whilst the StuG advances. |
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StuG meets its end ambushed by Soviet Armoured cars and infantry |
The StuG assault gun continued its bold advance along the road almost reaching the crossroads objective beside the farm. Many of the infantry were still pinned by the heavy German artillery fire and from beyond the table edge to the rescue came three armoured cars - a BA6 from two BA10. Their long 45mm guns prove a considerable danger and the Stug's attempted to engage with its few armour piercing shells from its short 75mm gun. Missing the largest of the Soviet armoured cars. The strength of Soviet armoured cars in Barbarossa games should not be under estimated. As the armoured cars have very good long 45 guns in their turrets and can advanced quickly on roads. This the Soviet light armour did just this sweeping past the assault gun to engage it's side armour, successfully knocking it out, but only after it had been pinned by anti tank rifle shot from the infantry in the woods. The armoured cars surrounding the StuG from every direction it took fire from two of them to destroy the vehicle.
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Pz 35 t and Landser counter assault the barn of the state farm |
Meanwhile out in the fields the German panzers were having a hard time of it as the Soviets own artillery began firing pinning down vehicles and destroying others pretty swiftly. Only one of the Panzer 35 t remained. However the infantry in the woods beside the buildings continued to press on bringing the Soviet infantry in the nearest barn under suppressing fire. While Panzer Grenadier manoeuvre to assault the building. Seeing what was happening the Soviet commander chose to evacuate the barn rather than face the German Panzer Grenadier is in a close assault. The final panzer 35 t moves off to support and engages a Soviet armoured car with its 37mm main gun this would prove that this will prove the end for the armoured car.
Out in the fields however machine gunfire from the Panzer II and MG34 finally destroyed the crew of the AT gun that has caused much execution amongst the advancing tanks. With the gun holding this flank knocked out at last the remains of the panzer II's - only one of them - are getting ready to move towards the farm now the gun was removed as a threat. The German forward observers and platoon HQ made good use of two mortars in an of table battery and a supporting mortar in the woods beside the road to pin down and harass the Soviet defenders of the farm. Soviet counter battery fire was directed at the off table mortars but proved mostly ineffective.
The Panzer Grenadier of the 114th regiment would take the barn the first of the buildings from here they could bring under fire the Soviet infantry gun in the farmyard killing all the crew. With German infantry occupying the barn structure and only one gun left for a combination of artillery fire but the bold seizure of the bar caused the Soviet commander to think the better and withdraw this battle was won with the Germans having taken 17 of 30 BR but the Soviet force exceeding its BR of 24 with a victory for the defenders of 4th Panzer division which means but the Soviet Luga Line defence involved will have to withdraw back towards the start line display give the Germans some breathing space future moves in the campaign will show how important this is but the clock is ticking. Next the battle on east of the bridgehead.
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